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Protect wintering wildlife by leaving them alone during the winter

Protect wintering wildlife by leaving them alone during the winter

It’s the hardest time of year to be a deer, elk or other wintering big game animals, and their livelihood literally gets chalked up to “every calorie counts” Out of...

More Harm Than Good: Why You Shouldn’t Feed Backyard Deer

More Harm Than Good: Why You Shouldn’t Feed Backyard Deer

The hardship of winter motivates some well-meaning people to set out food for deer. The truth is, they’re wild animals adapted to winter, and feeding them can quickly create a...

Reports of mountain lions on the increase in Wood River Valley communities

Reports of mountain lions on the increase in Wood River Valley communities

Being aware of your surroundings is key to personal safety when living near mountain lions Fish and Game staff from the Magic Valley Region continue to receive frequent mountain lion...

Fish and Game begins to feed elk at the Bullwacker feed site west of Ketchum

Fish and Game begins to feed elk at the Bullwacker feed site west of Ketchum

Feeding elk at the Bullwacker site is to keep elk from moving into Ketchum and Sun Valley and causing human-wildlife conflicts. Idaho Fish and Game staff from the Magic Valley...

Fish and Game biologist’s free mule deer after it fell into an abandoned water tank near Hailey

Fish and Game biologist’s free mule deer after it fell into an abandoned water tank near Hailey

In mid-November, conservation officers from the Magic Valley Region received a report of a mule deer buck that had become trapped after falling into an abandoned water storage tank outside...